Uniqueness crocodile skin

Any crocodile jackets have a unique pattern. Each square, eachline is a pattern of a unique natural image. Such a drawing does not need additional transformation. If you run your hand over the surface of this skin, you feel hard plates that cannot be pressed with your finger. It is impossible to leave dents on these horny processes this is a kind of shield. The base of the skin is so strong that inancient times some peoples used it for armor. Today, fashion designers sew various things from this natural exotic material, but jackets occupy the palm.

More recently, manufacturers offered crocodile skin jackets in natural colors, where brown,black, brown, green shades prevailed. Now the color scheme has been expanded many times, but natural colors remain in trend.

Advantages of crocodile leather jackets

The main advantage of the jacket is that itwill never lose its special gloss. Nomatter how many years have passed, it will look gorgeous.

It's all about exceptional features:

Durability. Natural material is so strong that it is not afraid of any temperature changes or physical activity. To break this product, you will have to try very hard.

Elasticity. Professional dressing makes reptile skin soft and flexible. This allows fashion designers to sew jackets of various shapes and patterns, use small parts, and work with unusual patterns. All this increases the level of comfort and gives additional pleasure to the owner of an exclusive thing.

Invoice. The pattern on the jacket will not be found in any other product. All scales, lines, squares are completely different, like human fingerprints. The uniqueness of things is guaranteed by nature itself.

• Wear resistance. A crocodile jacket isa thing that has no expiration date. At the same time, the product will not lose its characteristics, remaining as beautiful and durable.

Exotic leather is the most expensive raw material. Jackets of thislevel are highly valued. Elite things oblige the manufacturer to use the best related products and accessories when sewing.

Fashion designers sew various models:lightweight, insulated, different in length and design. When insulation is added to the lining and structural elements, the person is not afraid of wind or rain.

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Features of male models

For male models of jackets, reptile leather is a real find. This is the natural material that in its natural form performs several social functions at once:

• ennobles the image;

• gives confidence;

• emphasizes the status of a man.

If a guy’s wardrobe contains a man’s crocodile jacket, there is no doubt that his life is filled with meaning, ideas, goals.

In the business community of influential men,jackets with an English collar or a laconic stand-up collar have gained popularity. Such a jacket does not require any additional decorations. She perfectly emphasizes minimalism in decor, simplicity of cut, calm colors, allthat status men love so much.

Features of female models

A modern woman, building her wardrobe line,can not do without a leather jacket made of elite material. It is not surprising that wealthy fashionistas opt for a crocodile leather jacket. This is light, but protective clothing from cold and wind, which will warm and accentuate beauty. Such a thing will add dynamism, democracy,rejuvenate the wardrobe, give status.

The processing features make the material for sewing so flexible that fashion designers can use any patterns for sewing women's jackets, and the color scheme will satisfy the most demanding customers.

Despite the huge selection of styles and colors, most often wealthy women choose the classic options. Young customers are often attracted to a women's crocodile jacket with a bright unusual cut.

The elasticity of the material allows you to sew fitted lightweight jackets. Some models are decorated with semiprecious and precious stones. Often quite elegant options have a sporting connotation. Winter insulated parka jackets may have a fur collar.

Our company offers individual tailoring of jackets. This solution has several advantages:

• The jacket will be sewn exactly according tothe client’s standards, which means that the finished thing will sit on the figure, like a glove.

• The customer can see how soft andhigh-quality crocodile skins are used for tailoring jackets, as well as take part in the selection of accessories.

• Any wishes of the client will be taken into account before cutting, which means that you can choose absolutely any style.

Personal tailoring is an opportunity to realize any idea, emphasize your own respectability and consistency.

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Quality test

Despite the fact that dressing, tanning and painting methods of this elite material have different costs, the product cannot be cheap. Crocodile jacket is a premium product. This is a time-tested classic. Such a thing is like a used car.Low price isa reason for doubts about the authenticity of the goods.

This type of skin has distinctive features that you need to pay attention to when choosing a jacket:

• Each canvas from which the product is sewn has a unique pattern.

• All reptiles have a distinctive pattern inplace, which is called scruff in other animals. A crocodile has a combination of plates 4-2 - this is a characteristic feature. Conscientious manufacturers place this part of the skin in a conspicuous place.

• Despite dressing and dyeing the skins, ifyou look closely, you can always find individual segments that have pores.

• Although reptiles live on farms and do not need to hunt, their skin has minor injuries sustained in the course oflife. Small, barely visible scratches indicate the naturalness of the product.

• If the skin seems rough, there is a chance that it is a cayman, and it costs less. It is necessary to look for a distinctive pattern, in the cayman it is4-4-2.

• A product sewn from a single piece is more expensive than a jacket from pieces, however, you need to understand that these pieces can be from different skins.